Betty LaMarr Medical Talk

Betty LaMarr

conversations with Betty

Dr. Robert Wegner, Bariatric Surgeon
Saint Francis Center for Surgical Weight Loss

Dr. Robert Wegner Weight Loss Surgery Part One

This is part one of a series of shows as it relate to Weight Loss Surgery.
Dr. Robert Wegner with Saint Francis Weight Loss center is Betty LaMarr's Exclusive Guest for this 3 Part Series.

Weight Loss Surgery Part Two

Weight Loss Surgery with Dr. Robert Wegner Part Two

Weight Loss Surgery " The Grand Finale'

Weight Loss Finale' with Dr. Robert Wegner and 3 wonderful Gastric Bypass success stories.

Saint Francis Center for Weight Loss

Our Services

Weight Loss Surgery

If diet and exercise haven’t provided the results you need, a Saint Francis Hospital-Memphis doctor can determine if you’re a good candidate for surgical weight loss. Obesity can cause problems beyond simply carrying around extra weight. It may lead to a wide range of health conditions — from heart disease and high blood pressure to depression, infertility and joint problems. Surgical weight loss not only helps you lose a significant amount of weight, but it can also help make you significantly healthier, possibly adding years to your life.

Weight Loss Options

The weight loss program at Saint Francis Hospital-Memphis offers surgical options for those struggling to lose weight. We specialize in gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and LAP-BAND procedures. We also provide resources and support to help you take control of your obesity and regain your health. Our surgical weight loss procedures are designed for those who are 100 pounds or more overweight and have a body mass index of 40 or higher (or 35 or higher with serious chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea).

The Saint Francis Hospital-Memphis Center for Surgical Weight Loss has been designated a Center of Excellence by the American Society of Bariatric Surgery (ASBS). Our facility is currently the only ASBS designated Center of Excellence in Memphis and only one of four in Tennessee. Our program has also been recognized by UnitedHealth, CIGNA and Blue Cross/Blue Shield for providing excellent weight loss surgery and care.

Take the First Step

If you’d like to learn more about our program, please call us at (901) 881-0602. You can also register for a free surgical weight loss seminar at Saint Francis by calling (901) 765-1849.

Classes & Events

Register online for upcoming classes, clinics, seminars, webinars, support groups and other events.

Gastric Bypass

The popular Roux-en-Y procedure reduces your stomach to a tiny pouch, assisting weight loss and increasing stamina.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

The gastric sleeve procedure removes most of your stomach to help you feel full, manage hormones and control blood sugar.

Open the Door to Your New Life! Considering weight loss surgery?

Stay tuned for the February 9th Show with Dr. Wegner and 3 amazing success stories from the Saint Francis Center for Surgical Weight Loss!

Dr. Robert Wegner, Bariatric Surgeon join host Betty LaMarr on Medical Talk News.

Saint Francis Weight Loss Center

About Our Bariatric Program

If you’re considering weight loss surgery, consider Saint Francis Center for Surgical Weight Loss. Our experienced, multi-disciplinary team consists of surgeons board certified in general surgery and fellowship trained in Bariatric Surgery, a nurse practitioner, medical assistants, patient advocates, and dietitians has helped over 4000 people lose weight, maintain their weight loss, and regain their health. We provide a sensitive and comfortable environment to help ensure long-term success.

Mission Statement

Our mission is provide excellent and personalized care for patients desiring weight loss surgery. We strive to help you achieve a realistic goal weight, a positive attitude about your health, and to improve the quality of your life.

The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery can help you successfully reach a healthier weight and reduce your risk of developing health complications associated with obesity. Bariatric surgery serves as a tool to assist you in weight loss. Many of the benefits of bariatric surgery are related to improvement in other medical conditions as a result of the weight loss. Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), sleep apnea, and high cholesterol may be resolved or improved after surgery.

Additional benefits include:

* Restore your health,
* Regain your confidence
* Realize your weight loss goals
* Really enjoy your life

Our patients also describe to us an improved quality of life and the ability to participate in activities that were too difficult prior to their weight loss.

Am I A Candidate? You can also call us directly at 901-881-0600

Dr. Robert Wegner. Weight Loss surgeon Hosting free seminar in person or watch online.

Betty Interview renown Bariatric Surgeon Robert Wegner,MD

Great Show Dr. Robert Wegner! Thank you